Our Principles


Professional Market-leading Property Managers

We want to be the most respected and trusted full-service residential and commercial property management company in each market and to each person we serve so that we can help real estate investors achieve their dreams.


Genuine Professionalism

Our pledge to others is “Honesty and Competence,” which means we know what we are doing and you can trust us.


Servant Leadership

As individuals and as a group, we view our work as a calling (not merely a job or career) and we hold firmly to the following principles.

               Character Counts

               Integrity – We believe that the content of our character is most important.

               A Can-do Attitude

               Personal Accountability – We believe our actions make a difference and we take full responsibility for their outcomes.

               The Golden Rule

               Service – We treat people the way we want to be treated.

               Howdy Partner

               Partnerships – We emphasize long-term relationships over short-term transactions.

              Grow or Die

              Growth – We embrace change and strive for improvement every day.

               In it for the Long Haul

               Long-Term Perspective – We think about the future in all of our actions.


A Glorious Future!

The reason we are in business is to continually increase the long-term value of My Management Company by making people’s lives better.

We will accomplish this by using our core capabilities to serve others in a way that brings

               1. fulfillment to people,

               2. benefit to society, and

               3. glory to God.

We believe the best is yet to come!